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${ item.product_title }
${item.discounts.filter((disc) => disc.amount === 0).length && item.final_line_price > 0 ? item.discounts[0].title : ''}${ item.selling_plan_allocation.selling_plan.name }
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The Easy to Reach Back Applicator is ideal for tanning those difficult-to-reach areas. The soft foam applicator has been cleverly designed to provide even coverage for flawless self-tanning results. It conveniently folds away for easy storage and travel. It will give you the freedom to tan yourself anywhere, anytime. Even if you're a novice, you can now achieve the perfect all-over tan.
All skin types.
Rinse your Easy to Reach Back Applicator after use with clean, warm water and allow to air dry.
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Application tip: You can lightly dampen the foam applicator with water to ensure product spreadibility and minimize product wastage.
We love seeing your real results. Hashtag #lovingtan for your chance to be featured.
The Easy to Reach Back Applicator can be easily cleaned by rinsing it in warm, soapy water after use.
The Easy to Reach Applicator can be used with your favourite Loving Tan product but works best for applying our Deluxe Bronzing Mousses, 2 HR Express Mousses or Deluxe Gradual Tans.